The Local Food Switchboard Project, will use the Maine Food Atlas to coordinate logistics services and connect various stakeholders in Maine's local food system. It will provide detailed information on food infrastructure, production capacities, and resources, with an operator responsible for updating inventory and maintaining communication along the supply chain, facilitating efficient local food procurement and enhancing access to locally sourced foods for schools.
The switchboard will collect data and connections around:
Food infrastructure, such as processing facilities, storage facilities, and distribution businesses.
Food businesses that produce and/or purchase raw or value-added goods, including product information
Food industry resources that provide technical, financial, grant writing, and workforce development assistance.
Advisory Team
Susan Olcott
Maine Coast Fishermen's Association
Leah Rovner
New England Food System Planners Partnership
Courtney Crossgrove
Abby Snell
Fork Food Lab
Sarah Speare
Tootie's Tempeh
Brittany Peats
Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Darcy Cooke
The Maine Network of Community Food Councils
Mike Flynn
Sheepscot Valley RSU #12
Katherine Bessey
Cooperative Development Institute
Katie Knowles
Maine Department of Education Child Nutrition
Katelyn Porter
NH Food Alliance
Doug Clopp
Maine Farm & Sea Cooperative
Chris Linder
Cooperative Fund of the Northeast
Goals of the Switchboard Project
Build relationships with food supply chain actors across Maine
Identify opportunities to maximize the use of existing food infrastructure and equipment across Maine; supporting small business access to infrastructure and markets
Increase local food procurement in Maine schools
Increase food system efficiency and decrease input costs for processors by supporting expanded food storage and processing infrastructure and the movement of seconds or excess fresh product for processing
Provide data on food supply chain needs so that investors, policymakers and service providers have a better understanding of where resources can be deployed for greatest impact
Timeline of Project
Year 1: Research & Design
> Gather an advisory team
> Design the infrastructure, product, and resources inventory process, data points, and interface of the Maine Food Atlas.
> Determine locations for cold storage units
> Conduct data gathering with high school student research teams and local food councils.
Year 2: Pilot Year
> Pilot services focused on school procurement
> Purchase and place 2 cold storage units
> Continue gathering inventory data
Year 3: Full Implementation/Scaling
> Scale up participation and membership in the Switchboard platform
> Purchase and place 2 more cold storage units
> Leverage insights from years 1 and 2 to develop a sustainable fundraising and revenue strategy.
> Enhance the Switchboard's functionality and outreach efforts based on user feedback.
Year 4: Project Sustaining & Report Release
> Increase participation/membership
> Purchase and place 2 final cold storage units
> Conduct analysis of project outcomes and release a report
Local Food Switchboard Project was awarded funding by Full Plates Full Potential and The USDA Food System Innovation Grant! This is part of the USDA’s Healthy Meals Incentive Initiative’s School Food System Transformation Challenge.
This project is funded using U.S. Department of Agriculture Grant Funds.
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